Friday, December 29, 2006

4 kids, 4 states

Here we are at 4 Corners. Big indian market here for lots of cool stuff. Posted by Picasa

Horses at Mesa Verde

These horses where just wandering around the visitor center. Untamed with their foal. Posted by Picasa

Mesa Verde, CO

This is one of the major cliff dwelling sites at Mesa Verde. About a 1000 ft down. Posted by Picasa

Beautiful Flower

We captured this lovely blossom in NM at a National Park of Cliff Dwellings. Posted by Picasa

Zuni Dancers

These young people gave a great performance of a Zuni tribal dance. This was at an Peublo Indian Cultural Center in Albuquerque. Posted by Picasa

Above the clouds and Albuquerque

We enjoyed the Sandia Mtns in Albuquerque. 5000 ft above the Rio Grande Valley Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 16, 2006

This shows Melissa's great artistic eye Posted by Picasa

So long California

We are outa here. We are back in Phoenix now since California was a blah place for C.O. to work. We have enjoyed our time seeing awesome sites and visiting with our family and meeting some real nice folk. We are kinda glad to be headed back to the east. So We will post some stuff now that the connection is "wicked fast" and will let you see some things that we have seen.
The Wandering Williams
So long exceptional views Posted by Picasa
Just how big can these monarches get? Posted by Picasa
The description of the tree Posted by Picasa
This is the tree described. The Gen Sherman
So long Chocolate fiestas (with Lindsey)
So long goofy friends
So long Snoopy
So long Family
So long San Fransisco

Friday, December 01, 2006

Sorta updated

I hope to have a good connection soon to be able to update more soon. Fresno has been somewhat of a disappointment but the area around in great. C.O. has fallen in love with the Sierra Mountains and will take a any opportunity to go there. We have visited Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon which right next to it. There are awesome sites which we hope to share with you soon. We may be soon leaving the area and could be headed to San Diego or L.A..
We are not sure at this point and it has been frustrating the way these Californian hospitals are acting. We have had several incidences of incredible rudness from people here in CA and we have such a "bitter taste" of CA now. So if we leave the state entirely for a different contract we won't mind leaving the rudness, but will definately miss the natural beauty.