Friday, May 19, 2006

Why Did You Do It?

Well....The decision to go full time of course was based on long research and study of what was entailed, making sure that we could get the amount of $ for our house, and all those serious considerations. Then we said, why not? C.O. is an R.N. and works 13 week contracts that allow us to stay around an area and see the sites. The kids get a lot of "osmotic" education. We have always tried to make all of our activities educational, even going to the pool, zoo, state houses, hikes down to the boonies to swim in a great swimming hole. National and some state parks are great resources for learning thru their junior ranger programs.
Our children are very precocious and make friends, young and old very easily. They adjust very quickly to new areas and look forward (after some gripping like all kids) to seeing and learning new adventures. We both agree that the mainstream is not a place that we want to have our kids. We have always homeschooled and this was a way to expose them to regional and cultural differences and allow them to stretch their comfort zone. It has been very interesting for us to be around here in Phoenix, with all of the immigration issues right at our door and letting them experience it close.
It is fun too. We are both around 40 and feel that doing this now with the kids will provide a foundation for our family relationship that will be broad and deep. Sounds "cheesy' perhaps, yet we are seeing a lot of growth from our travels that would not have been available back in our wonderful 200 plus years old home with the 1/2 acre. We certainly miss the "comfort" of that at times yet it is comforting to be living in the same house everyday, we just can move this one as we like.
Well I have blabbed a lot and hope this will give some help, feel free to write and enjoy the web page.
The Wandering Williams


WendiMichelle said...

So where are you guys now? still in AZ ?

WendiMichelle said...

BTW what are they sitting on?